12. Februar 2025

Prolight + Sound 2025

From 8.4. – 11.4.2025, GIS will be participating as an exhibitor at Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt, the important meeting place and industry event for technologies and services for entertainment, shows and events. You will find us in Hall 12.0 at Booth E65.

From 8.4. – 11.4.2025, GIS will be participating as an exhibitor at Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt, the important meeting place and industry event for technologies and services for entertainment, shows and events. You will find us in Hall 12.0 at Booth E65.

The highlights:

LPL chain hoists - Now also available in D8+ and C1
The chain hoists of the LPL series are among the lightest in their class with one of the best weight/ load ratios for D8 applications. With the extension to D8+ and C1 uses, the outstanding performance of these chain hoists can now be utilised in even more areas of application. At our stand, the LPML250, LPL500 and LPL1000 models will be on display and can be tested in conjunction with a briefcase controller for directly controlled motors. 

LPL1000 C1 - with special features
The LP and LPL motors can be perfectly equipped for application-specific requirements.
We would be happy to demonstrate this to you using a model of the LPL1000 C1, which is equipped with a path and load measuring system and also has low-noise theatre brakes and a limit stop for several positions.

New system for safe brake testing
A world first will be on display at our stand. Using the LPM250 D8+ model, we will be demonstrating our new system for quickly checking the brake function of a chain hoist - a major innovation for greater safety in the entertainment industry.

Visit us in Frankfurt - we look forward to seeing you!


Products in use

This report is about the following products